Sustainable Architecture

Sustainability in architecture has become a priority in the 21st Century and will continue to be for years to come. Whether it be material or processes, there are always better ways to go about this that help save the environment. Environmental health is something we need to be aware of and designers can help through the applications we produce.

Responsive Mockups

Initial Research

My initial research consisted of identifying the most important tasks of an architect and what complications they face on a daily basis. Through this research, I was able to come to the conclusion that one of the biggest issues architects face is keeping their work sustainable. Though I felt the research I had done was enough to move forward with my project, I decided to get first hand opinions through interviews. This would allow me to reinforce my claim that sustainability is the biggest challenge architects face.


Through my interviews, I wanted to ask questions that were broad and didn’t influence the interviewee towards the idea of sustainability. My hope was they would bring it up anyway and bring it up they did. Out of the 10 interviews I conducted with architects/engineers, all 10 highlighted the challenges of sustainability in architecture. Below are some answers to the question: What is the biggest challenge(s) one would face in the field of architecture?

“Designing structures that have a minimal impact on the environment, fit the needs of its occupants, and are stylish.”

“All of the regulations and the multitude of people and agencies that all have a say in what can and can’t be done when designing sustainably.”


After doing research and conducting interviews, I decided the best solution for applying sustainability in architecture is to make a simplistic website. The website would allow the user to enter a material or process that isn’t currently sustainable and be presented with a sustainable alternative. The form will consist of fill in the blank areas that pertain to different specifications of the material or process that is trying to be replaced. Through the use of AI, the alternative material or sustainable processes will be generated. The final form that is generated will include important details about each alternative and a link to purchasing options.

Website Prototype

Through testing, I realized my prototype should be responsive for use on phones and tablets. If an architect is on the move, they may not have direct access to their computer. The final click-through prototype is presented above.


Ghostly Harvest Brewing Co. (Packaging)


Eagles Superbowl Publication